Assistenziale Italiana in Johannesburg still needs everybody's support more than ever
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 

Hello Friends,
Wishing you all the best for 2012.

We opened office well charged, only to begin this year in “4th gear “.  As predicted, it is going to be an exceptionally difficult year.

I feel that it is human nature to support a worthy cause in order to bring about a difference. Well……what cause is more worthy than helping those in need. My welfare is my life, but, without the support of the community it makes  ”crossing bridges” a huge struggle.
A number of our senior citizens have not received their Italian pensions.  Unfortunately we cannot help, we do not have the means.  My praise goes to Elisa from Patronato ACLI for working around the clock to solve this problem.

     Loss of employment – a dilemma that families face, especially when both parents are not working. One such case: their son matriculated with 8 distintions, got a bursary for this year at Wits, still a balance to be paid, needs to purchase study books, the parents have no funds, let alone support these studies.

A jewels designer at 60 has been without work for the past year, his friends will no longer help.

A family, five children, mother lost her job, she is a receptionist, desperately needs to find work. Her husband’s small salary barely puts food on the table.     

Not to mention a suicide case, so desperate that he put an end to it all.

On a better note , welcome back to Nino at the CRAI. Nino had a bypass end of last year, he is doing very well.  

We have a room available at the moment.  You can call Marzia 011 786 3262/9.

Our raffle booklets are not quite complete, at R10.00 a ticket, can you help?  As soon as all tickets are sold we would like to do the draw.

Please…..please….please…..jumble is still in great demand.  As well as beds, linen, furniture, whatever it is that you no longer have use for.  Thank you to all that donate their items to us.

Thanks again and God Bless.




tel. (0027) (021) 434 3210 cel. (0027) (083) 302 7771

3 Torbay Road, Green Point 8005, Cape Town, South Africa

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