Cineforum alla Dante di Città del Capo: "Notte prima degli esami" il film per il 9 novembr
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 

Cineforum alla Dante di Città del Capo: "Notte prima degli esami" il film per il 9 novembr

La Dante Alighieri di Città del Capo comunica che il film che sarà proiettato in sede la sera di venerdì 9 novembre sarà "Notte prima degli esami". Si comincerà con il tradizionale Primo Piatto alle 18.30 e si proseguirà con la proiezione dalle 19 alle 20.30. Indispensabile prenotarsi entro giovedì 8 novembre perché i posti sono limitati. Il costo per i soci della Dante è di 70 rand, mentre i non soci ne pagheranno 80.

Projections of good Italian movies with english subtitles;
open to the public.

Friday 9 November
at our premises in Gardens
from 18:30 to 19:00 for an Italian Primo Piatto and from 19:00 to 20:30, by popular demand, to watch

Notte prima degli esami
An Italian movie directed by Fausto Brizzi

•    Notte prima degli esami (English: Night Before the Exams) is a 2006 Italian comedy teen film, written and directed by Fausto Brizzi.
•    It describes the lives of two groups of Italian teenagers during the preparation of the esame di maturità (the final exam of Italian high school).
•    It is set in Rome during the year 1989, and it can be seen as an homage to the whole decade.
•    The inspiration for the title was a famous 1980s song by Antonello Venditti.
•    A sequel, Notte prima degli esami - Oggi was released in 2007. The sequel features many of the same actors playing the same characters they played in the original, but it is set in 2006, during Italy's World Cup winning summer.
•    A remake, Nos 18 ans, was released in 2008 in France.

For more info regarding the movie click the link

Important! RSVP before Thursday 8 November at 12h00 as space is limited!

Discounted price for Dante Alighieri Society Members
R80 or R70 for our Members 2012 (one discounted ticket for each membership)

Invite your friends, the movie has English Subtitles!
Cash bar.

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you and best regards.

Sara Viglietti
Comitato di Città del Capo
1st floor, The Grimley, 14 Tuin Plein St.
Gardens, Cape Town 8001 - South Africa
Tel:  +27 021 465 8261
Fax: +27 021 465 8271   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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